smart energy


Solar Solutions

Clean, reliable, and Economical solar energy for your home!

Smart energy solutions have been designing and installing custom made solar projects for Australian Homes. Our staff is friendly and knowledgeable and will work with you to design a solar array that works within your budget while also providing the greatest economic impact. Every home is different, and your solar array and solar solution will be a custom designed solution installed by the best in the business.

worker working with solar installation


Smart energy solutions have been designing and installing custom made solar projects for Australian Homes

voltaic panels


Rooftop Solar, Ground Mounted Solar, or Parking Canopies Solar, we provide them all!


Save money, while saving the environment
Solar as a resource is clean, reliable and unlimited. Fossil fuels are becoming scarce and it’s in everyone’s best interest if we make the shift now. You will feel good about your decision from day one and you will save money while you’re at it.
How It Works
Solar Photovoltaic arrays capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. In only 10 seconds, the sun sends over 10,000 times the energy needed to provide the world’s total combined energy use.

Photons to Electricity

Photovoltaic (PV) cells made from purified silicon use photos in sunlight to excite electrons that create electric energy.

DC to AC Conversion

An inverter electronically converts the direct current (DC) electricity from the panels into alternating current (AC) and matches the grid.

Clean Power For the Future

The home uses the solar-generated electricity, thereby reducing its need for grid energy with long-term solar power.

Enjoy the Benefits

Save money and take control of your electricity needs by producing your own renewable energy on site while reducing your carbon footprint.

Financing Solar and Storage Projects!

Solar Photovoltaic arrays capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. In only 10 seconds, the sun sends over 10,000 times the energy needed to provide the world’s total combined energy use.

Our loan products offer the following benefits:

Ready To Save?

Please briefly describe your specific energy needs so we can have the appropriate expert in touch with you right away.The more you tell us, the better we can be prepared for our first conversation.


1300 658 199

Our Location

Adelaide (Head office)
127 Haydown Rd, Elizabeth Vale SA 5112.

Address 1: 21, Paramount Boulevard, Derrimut, VIC, 3030.


Working Hours

Mon - Sat, 09.00 - 06.00